We are proud to know you all and call you friends.
Though we cannot take all the credit for the fluidity and success of the race. We would like to say A HUGE thank you to the CLIMB Trail Patrol for their presence at the race. This year there was a much larger group of them patrolling and assisting with injuries. They did a flawless job and we are happy to build on the relationship we have with them going forward. We hope to have them at every race, year after year. Thank you from the 5 of us at sWe.
Another group to be thanked would be the volunteers who helped with parking, course marshaling, and registration. Without you all, the race does not happen. Your generosity is well received and we thank you.
The trail condition could not have been better. Partly due to Mother Nature, but primarily due to the selfless efforts of Rich Squillace (SS Rich), Cathedral Pines Trail Steward. Thank you Rich, from all of us!!!
Nikita of Just Finish Timing did a bang up job as well with the results. This has taken a lot of pressure off of us. Last year, all the results were compiled by hand = ridiculously difficult.
You, the racers. We put this event on for you. Without you it would not be a success. Thank you for coming out to Long Island and participating in something wicked.
We were happy to see many of you achieve your goals and others

While on this topic, we would like to thank all of you for keeping the course and pit litter to a minimum. Our final sweep/cleanup only produced about 1/2 of a yard bag's worth of trash.
REGARDING RACE RESULTS - as with any race, there were a few inconsistencies. We are in the process of getting any/all issues rectified with the scorer and should have final results posted within the next 24 hours. If you placed top three and were unable to stick around for your medal, we will be mailing it out to you...don't worry about postage fees, we got it.
May the Lord bless and keep you. May the light of his face shine upon you....until November 2011. Then, once again, you are ours.